Department of Polymer Science, S K Somaiya College

A Centre for Post-Graduate Teaching & Research

National Seminar & Discussion meeting on Simulations in Polymers, Materials & Biomolecules

22nd - 24th June, 2023
16 Speakers
  • 45 Days
  • 11 Hours
  • 25 Minutes
  • 59 Seconds
  • Somaiya Vidyavihar University
  • Department of Polymer Science
  • Society for Polymer Science
Somaiya Vidyavihar University

Established in 2019 Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai, is a self-financed university, recognised by the University Grants Commission, is a place where you can explore new possibilities, pursue your passion, and find yourself.

Department of Polymer Science, S K Somaiya College

The Department of Polymer Science has been offering a post-graduate full-time 2-year Industry-Academia Jointly-Taught Programme which aims to provide the student with specialised skills in the field of Polymer Science. Taking into account the needs of the industry and the direction of the leading scientific achievements, the course has been designed to capitalise on research strengths. The course focuses on various specialisations of the polymer field and concludes with an independent research project related to these areas.

S K Somaiya College, founded in 2019, is a constituent college of Somaiya Vidyavihar University. It offers diverse educational under-graduate, post-graduate and PhD programmes curated and developed by a large number of eminent teachers and experts from the industry and academia who are serving on the statutory academic bodies in various fields.

Society for Polymer Science

The Society for Polymer Science, India (SPSI) has a long and glorious history of over three decades. SPSI functions through ten regional Chapters, namely, Bangalore, Calicut, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Kharagpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Thiruvananthapuram. Each Chapter functions independently in organising professional activities for the benefit of Chapter members.

About National Seminar & Discussion Meeting

Somaiya Vidyavihar University invites you to the "National Seminar & Discussion on Simulations in Polymers, Materials, and Biomolecules" to be held on 22nd - 24th June, 2023 in Mumbai. The meeting will focus on the progress of "Computational Simulations" in various scientific fields, including polymer, life, and material sciences. The meeting's objective is to showcase current research and new developments in computational simulation. Distinguished speakers from India's most prestigious institutions and organisations will lead the discussion.

Who can attend the seminar?

Final year postgraduate students, research scholars, research associates/post-doctoral researchers, faculty members interested in Computational Simulations, Chemistry, Material simulations and Computational Biology

Themes for Polymer Simulations
  • Simulations of large molecules and polymers
  • Materials for energy transport
  • Density functional theory for main group materials
  • Membrane-protein interactions
  • AI/ML applications in chemistry and drug designing
  • Computational biology and diagnostics
Shri Samir Somaiya

Chancellor, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai

Prof. V N Rajasekharan Pillai

Vice-Chancellor, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai

Prof. Mayur Yergeri

Director SIRAC, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai

CA Monica Lodha

Director, S K S C, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai

National Advisory Committee
Prof. Shridhar R.Gadre

S. P. Pune University, Pune

Prof. S. Balasubramanian

JNCASR, Bengaluru

Prof. D. D. Sharma

IISc, Bengaluru

Prof. Swapan Patil

JNCASR, Bengaluru

Prof. Sourav Pal

Ashoka University, IISER, Kolkata

Dr. Sudhir A. Kulkarni

Nova Lead Pharma, Pune

Prof. U. Deva Priyakumar

IIIT, Hyderabad

Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Anant D. Kulkarni


Dr. Daly Davis

Technical Co-ordination

Dr. Vandana Jamdar

Infrastructure Co-ordination

Dr.Vaijayanti Ghase

Registration & Abstract Co-ordination

Dr. Padma Vankar
Dr. C. V. Avadhani
09:00 am – 10:30 am
Inaugural Session
Mr. Samir Somaiya, Chancellor, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
09:00 am – 09:05 am
SVV Prayer & Lamp Lighting
09:05 am – 09:10 am
Welcome Remarks
Prof. V. N. Rajasekharan Pillai, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
09:10 am – 09:20 am
Presidential Address
Mr. Samir Somaiya, Somaiya Vidyavihar University
09:20 am – 09:45 am
Inaugural Address by Chief Guest
Prof. M. M. Sharma FRS, ICT, Mumbai
09:45 am – 09:50 am
Address by President SPS(I)
Prof. S. Ramakrishnan, IISc, Bengaluru
09:50 am – 10:00 am
Dr. S. Sivaram’s 75th Birthday Felicitation Address
Dr. R A Mashelkar FRS, CSIR, New Delhi
10:00 am – 10:10 am
Dr. S. Sivaram’s 75th Birthday Felicitation Address
Mr. Ashwin Dani, Director, Asian Paints, Mumbai
10:10 am – 10:15 am
Vote of Thanks
CA Monica Lodha, S K Somaiya College, Somaiya Vidyavihar, University, Mumbai
10:15 am - 11:00 am
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Endowment Lecture by Dr. S. Sivaram
Polymers in Energy Applications: Structure, Property and Functions
Mr. Samir Somaiya, Chancellor, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai
11:00 am – 11:15 am
Tea break
11:15 am - 12:45 pm
Invited Talks I
Prof. M.Lakshmi Kantam, ICT, Mumbai
11:15 am - 11:45 am
Dr. A. Ajayaghosh, CSIR-NIIST, Thriuvanthapuram
Supramolecular Polymers and Smart Materials
11:45 am – 12:15 pm
Prof. S. Ramakrishnan, IISc, Bengaluru
Architectural Design for Spatial Control of Functionality in Polymers
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Dr. Ashish K. Lele, CSIR-NCL, Pune
Anomalous Rheology of Star Telechelic Polylactide Ionomer
12:45 pm – 01:45 pm
Lunch break
01:45 pm – 03:35 pm
Invited Talks II
(Will be decided later)
01:45 pm – 02:15 pm
Dr. Prakash Trivedi, Gharda Chemicals, Mumbai
Specialty Thermoplastics: Resins, Compounds and Composites
02:15 pm – 02:45 pm
Dr. Achala Danait, Clariant Chemicals, Mumbai
02:45 pm – 03:15 pm
Dr. Virendra Kumar Gupta, Reliance Industries, Mumbai
Polyolefin Materials & Catalyst Technology : Atmanirbhar Bharat
03:15 pm – 03:45 pm
Dr. Anubhav Saxena, Pidilite Industries Mumbai
How to Commercialize a Great Idea?
03:45 pm – 04:00 pm
Tea break
04:00 pm – 05:45 pm
Invited Talks III
(Will be decided later)
04:00 pm – 04:30 pm
Mr. Swapan Ray, Reliance Industries, ICPE, Mumbai
Plastics and the Sustainability Paradox
04:30 pm – 05:00 pm
Prof. Bernhard Rieger and Dr. Claude Bostoen, Dutch Polymer Institute, The Netherlands
DPI – Shaping Polymer Innovation
05:00 pm – 05:30 pm
Dr. Abbas Shaikh, SABIC, Saudi Arabia
Functionalized Chemical Resistant Bisphenol A Polycarbonate (BPA PC)
05:30 pm – 05:45 pm
Dr. Subarna Shyamroy, Asian paints
Role of polymer edifice in paints and coatings
06:00 pm – 07:00 pm
S. Sivaram Festschrift Session
07:30 pm – 08:30 pm
Network Dinner
09:30 am – 11 :00 am
Invited Talks IV
(Will be decided later)
09:30 am – 10 :00 am
Prof. Sabu Thomas, MG University, Kottayam
Circular Economy: New Opportunities in Sustainable Nano Materials and Polymer Bio-Nanocomposites
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Prof. K. Guruswamy, IIT, Mumbai
Structure Property Relations in Regenerated Cellulose Fibers from the Viscose and Lyocell processes
10:30 am – 11:00 am
Prof. Nikhil K. Singha, IIT Kharagpur
A New Class of Waterborne Epoxy-based Fluorescent Adhesive via RAFT Mediated Emulsion Polymerization Using PISA technique
11:00 am – 11:15 am
Tea Break
11:15 am – 01:15 pm
Invited Talks V
(Will be decided later)
11:15 am – 11:45 am
Dr. Benny K. George, VSSC, Thriuvanthapuram
Polymer Science and Technology: Challenges in Space Research
11:45 pm - 12:15 pm
Prof. K. Sreekumar, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi
Multifunctional Dendronized/ Dendritic Polymers as Catalysts for Organic Reactions
12:15 pm – 12:45 pm
Prof. Anilkumar IIT-Mumbai
Continuous Flow Process: A New Paradigm in Process Intensification for Materials and Chemicals Manufacturing
12:45 pm – 01:15 pm
Dr. Benny George, Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam
Natural Rubber Production, Processing And Recent Research Innovations
01:15 pm – 02:15 pm
Lunch Break
02:15 pm – 03:30 pm
Poster presentation
Dr. Prakash Wadgaonkar, CSIR -National Chemical Laboratory Pune
03:30 pm – 04:00 pm
Tea Break
04:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Oral Presentations
Dr. Chandana Basu, K J Somaiya College of Science & Commerce
04:00 pm – 04:15 pm
04:15 pm – 04:30 pm
04:30 pm – 04:45 pm
04:45 pm - 05:00 pm
05:00 pm – 05:15 pm
American Chemical Society (ACS) Poster Awards & Closing Session
Organised by

Department of Polymer Science
S K Somaiya College

Supported by

Society for Polymer Science

Physical - On Campus
Nalanda Auditorium, 4th Floor, K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Vidyavihar, Mumbai - 400 077
Get Location

All participants of the conference must register for the conference. Researchers, Scientists, Technologies, Academicians, Executives and Professionals from industries, final year PG students are expected to be among the delegates participating in the conference.

Rs 3000/-

Industry Delegates
Rs 5000/-

Research Scholars
Rs 1500/-

UG/PG Students
Rs 500/-

Accommodation will be provided free to students.

  • The last date for the submission of the abstract is 10th June 2023
  • Last day for registration of the National Symposium on Polymer Science & Technology is 20th June 2023
Best Poster Awards

American Chemical Society Journal Certificate Awards for the Best 8 Posters will be presented in the Seminar.

  • Macromolecules
  • Biomacromolecules
  • ACS Polymers Au
  • ACS Omega
  • ACS Applied Polymer Materials
  • The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
  • Langmuir
  • ACS Macro Letters